zebra smile and teeth
October 30, 2018 J. B. Selecman, DDS

Fantastic Facts About Animal Teeth

Here at Children’s Dental Center, teeth are our specialty, so we tend to talk about them a lot! While today’s blog post is still all about teeth, we’re doing something a little different by shining a spotlight on ANIMALS. You may be surprised to learn that even though the shapes and positions will vary from Read More

Pediatric Dentist Memphis
September 28, 2018 Chris Rowland, DDS

Buying Your Child’s First Toothbrush

After months of watching your baby drool, fuss, and furiously gnaw on everything in sight, you finally see relief in sight as that first little tooth starts sneaking up through the gums. Over the next year or two, that adorable gummy smile will gradually transform into two rows of baby teeth, and although they’re not Read More

Pediatric Dentist Collierville
August 28, 2018 J. B. Selecman, DDS

Getting Back To School With A Healthy Smile

Here in the Mid-South, summer can sometimes feel like it lasts half the year. When it’s hot from May until October, the new school year can sneak up on you and catch you by surprise! Yet here we are, getting back into the school routine already. We know this is a busy time, and in Read More

Pediatric Dentist Collierville
July 31, 2018 Chris Rowland, DDS

The History Of Fluoride

When it comes to the world of dental health, we talk about fluoride regularly. And although most parents know it’s good for their children’s teeth, they may not know why. When your child eats sugary foods, bacteria in their mouths produce acid that can eat away at the minerals on the surface of the teeth. Read More

Children's Dental Center with patient
June 29, 2018 J. B. Selecman, DDS

What is Gingivitis and How to Fix It

It seems as though gingivitis is one of those words we hear often without really understanding what it means. From toothpaste ads, mouthwash commercials, and brochures at your dentist’s office, there is a lot of talk about it, but you may not be clear on what exactly gingivitis is, how it is caused, and what Read More

Woman holding a paper shopping bag
May 31, 2018 Chris Rowland, DDS

Best Foods For Oral Health

Finding the right toothbrush and toothpaste for your child is great for maintaining your little one’s oral health, but did you know that the foods you feed your child make a difference, too? Walking through the grocery store, you’ll see aisles upon aisles of colorful fruits and vegetables. Each of these foods contains tons of Read More

Midtown Pediatric Dentistand daughter brushing teeth
April 30, 2018 J. B. Selecman, DDS

Best Toothpaste for Your Child

Here at Children’s Dental Center, we know that evaluating the many brands of toothpaste claiming to be best for children can be an overwhelming task.  Selecting an appropriately sized toothbrush and a nourishing, cleansing brand of children’s toothpaste is important for maintaining excellent oral health. In addition to asking us for toothpaste suggestions, know that Read More

girl smiling
March 30, 2018 Chris Rowland, DDS

Teeth Grinding: The Problems It Can Cause & How to Resolve Them

If you have a child that grinds their teeth, chances are good it’s cost you a few hours of sleep and at least that many hours worth of worry over time. How can so much noise come out of such a small person? And so much awful noise, at that! As alarming as it can Read More

confused girl
February 27, 2018 J. B. Selecman, DDS

How Oral Health Affects Overall Health

Have you ever wondered if a problem in your mouth is affecting the rest of your body? Well, it could be. For example, gum disease is linked to a host of illnesses including heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes to name a few. Brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist can protect you from Read More

Pediatric Dentistry in Memphis
January 31, 2018 Chris Rowland, DDS

What to Do If Your Child Is Missing a Permanent Tooth

When our children are young and lose a baby tooth, we look forward to a visit from the tooth fairy. But what if you have an older child or a teenager that has lost a permanent tooth, or who has never developed one or more of their adult teeth? Far from being a cause for Read More